
2 oz Blended Scotch
0.5 oz Absinthe
0.5 oz St Germain
0.5 oz Luxardo
0.5 oz lime juice

Shake, serve up with a lemon twist.

NOTES: Not great. Interesting flavor, but too syrupy. Like the base, but need better additions than used here.

Four Fingers of Death

1.5 oz Scotch
0.5 oz St Germain
0.5 oz Luxardo maraschino liquor
0.5 oz lemon juice
0.25 oz sweet vermouth
2 dashes plum bitters
Absinthe wash

Wash a rocks glass with a few drops of absinthe. Combine all ingredients in a shaker and stir. Pour into absinthe-washed glass. Serve garnished with cherries.

NOTES: First, don’t mind the shit picture. I forgot to take one until I’d already started drinking it. Otherwise, not bad, but not great. Potential is there, and scotch is well balanced, but too sweet and syrupy. Maybe eliminate vermouth completely and reduce Luxardo to 0.25oz. Absinthe was also interesting, but unnecessary. Would also increase scotch to full 2oz next time. Consensus was strip it down a bit, and flavor will improve.

Gravity’s Rainbow

1.5 oz Bluecoat Gin
0.5 oz Earl Grey syrup (recipe here)
0.5 oz lime juice
0.25 oz grenadine
1 tsp creme de violette
2 dashes Rhubarb bitters

Combine all ingredients and shake with ice. Serve up.

NOTES: maybe use slightly less violette. Pretty tasty overall, especially for a gin drink. Would also like to make my own grenadine rather than use bottled. I think it would make a difference. Also possibility: skip grenadine and increase tea syrup. I think I need second opinions on this one.

NOTES 2: Decreased Creme de Violette from 0.25 oz to 1 tsp, and it was better. Also added 2 dashes of Rhubarb Bitters. Changed the overall flavor slightly, but in an interesting way. Updated recipe to reflect.

Mansfield Park

2 oz Vodka
1 oz Earl Grey syrup (below)
0.5 oz Domaine de Canton
0.5 oz lemon juice

Shake with ice, strain into glass. Served up with a twist of lemon.

Earl Grey Syrup
Soak 1 Earl Grey tea bag in a large glass of hot water for at least 1 hour.
Bring 7 oz of tea to boil in saucepan, and add 4 oz sugar. Simmer for 10 minutes with tea bag in pan. Remove from heat, pass through cheese cloth and bottle. Keeps for a month if refrigerated.

NOTES: Actually pretty nice for a sore throat. Lemon is a tad strong, and Canton is a little underrepresented, but not bad. Liked the idea from Jen for subbing something floral for the canton like Benedictine or St. Germain.

The Burgess

2 oz Brandy
0.5 oz Ginger syrup (here)
0.5 oz Grand Marnier
3 dashes of orange bitters
Garnish with candied ginger

Shake ingredients well and serve up with garnish.

NOTES: Tried it first without Grand Marnier, but was too bitter. Current iteration slightly too sweet. Either use less Grand Marnier next time, or try triple sec instead. Ginger could also be stronger, so maybe more syrup. Possibly substitute Domaine de Canton for Grand Marnier and skip measurement adjustments. Overall, not bad. Pretty well balanced, not much bite.

Outer Dark

1.5 oz Rye
1 oz Mezcal
1 oz Sweet potato & rosemary shrub (recipe below)
0.5 oz Honey syrup (recipe below)
0.25 oz sweet vermouth

Shake ingredients and pour over crushed ice.

NOTES: surprisingly tasty. Not overly sweet, smoky, and packs a pretty solid alcoholic punch. Would benefit from garnishing with rosemary for the scent, had I not used it all in the syrup.

Sweet Potato & Rosemary Shrub
1 small sweet potato
8 oz apple cider vinegar
6 oz light brown sugar
1 sprig rosemary

Peel and slice sweet potato into smallish chunks. Place in container and submerge in vinegar. Allow to sit [sealed] for 4 days, shaking daily. Strain 8 oz vinegar, and combine in saucepan with brown sugar and rosemary. Once boiling, simmer for 10 minutes, strain well and bottle. Good for a month if refrigerated.

Honey Syrup
8oz honey
8oz water

Boil together until thoroughly mixed, and bottle. Good for at least a month if refrigerated.

Brandy Alexander

One of the classics that I’ve somehow never had before.

1.5 oz Brandy
1 oz Brown Creme de Cacao
1 oz Heavy cream

Shake vigorously with ice and serve up, topped with nutmeg.

NOTES: I bought light cream like a dumbass, so it wasn’t as rich as I assume it should have been, but pretty tasty nonetheless.

The Hawthorne

2.5 oz Rye
0.5 oz Sweet vermouth
0.5 oz Dry vermouth
0.5 oz Strawberry basil syrup (here)
2 dashes Angostura bitters
Club soda
1 strawberry

slice strawberry and muddle in glass with bitters. Combine rye, vermouth and syrup in shaker. Pour over crushed ice. Top off with seltzer (not much. roughly 1 oz). Garnish with basil, preferably less sad looking than mine.

NOTES: Pretty tasty. Maybe muddle orange slice with strawberry next time.

The Cannary

2 oz Bourbon
0.5 oz Pineapple basil shrub (recipe below)
0.25 oz maple syrup
0.25 oz dry vermouth

Shake ingredients with ice, pour over crushed ice in a rocks glass. Garnish with pineapple left over from making the shrub.

Pineapple Basil Shrub
1 small pineapple
1/2 bottle apple cider vinegar
5 oz sugar
10 leaves basil

Cut pineapple into chunks and place into container. Fill with vinegar until pineapple is submerged. Allow to sit in sealed container for 4 days, shaking once a day. After 4 days, strain solids from vinegar. Combine 6 oz pineapple vinegar with 5 oz sugar and 10 leaves of basil. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain again and cool before serving or bottling.

NOTES: Wish I had used rosemary instead of basil as recipe called for, but I didn’t have any. Not bad, but rosemary would have been better. Next time, try honey syrup instead of maple syrup, perhaps try sweet vermouth. Overall, not bad. More refreshing than expected.

Christmas Vacation

Kind of a half-riff on the Honeymoon cocktail

2 oz Brandy
0.5 oz Triple Sec
0.5 oz Benedictine
1 oz Apple cinnamon syrup
splash of seltzer

Mix brandy, syrup, triple sec and benedictine in shaker with ice. pour over rocks in a tumbler. top off with a small amount of seltzer. probably garnish with an apple if you feel like cutting one.

NOTES: Pretty damn tasty. Reminds me of christmas for some reason. Benedictine does a good job of adding flavor without letting it get too sweet. Next time, try Cointreau instead of triple sec.

Apple Cinnamon Syrup
4 medium apples, peeled and cored
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon

Puree water and skinless apples in blender. heat to boiling in saucepan with sugar and cinnamon. simmer on low for 30 minutes, stirring often. strain to remove solids twice. The stuff left in the strainer is pretty good too, might be worth saving for other uses. Kind of like apple butter.

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