The Smoking Jacket 1.5 oz Sandeman tawny port 1 oz Island of Geese Islay Scotch 0.75 oz Grand Mariner 2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters Baked apple slice Cinnamon stick Cut a thin slice of apple and put it in the oven on 400° for about 10 minutes. When the apple is done, take it out and […]
Archive for the ‘Falernum’ Category
The Smoking Jacket
Posted in Falernum, Luxardo, Peychaud, Scotch on November 6, 2012 | Comments Off on The Smoking Jacket
The Devil All The Time
Posted in Calvados, Falernum, Passion Fruit Syrup, Rum, Tequila on April 4, 2012 | 2 Comments »
The Devil All The Time 1 oz Blanco Tequila 0.5 oz Calvados 0.5 oz Spiced Rum 0.5 oz Falernum 0.5 oz passion fruit syrup 0.5 oz fresh lime juice Shake well with ice, and strain into a collins glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a lime wheel. NOTES: This is another of the big […]
Tiki Cocktail Party
Posted in Falernum, Honey Syrup, Orgeat, Passion Fruit Syrup on March 23, 2012 | 4 Comments »
From time to time, we like to have little cocktail parties to try out our drinks on our friends. This time around, Jen had about enough of Winter, so we jumped seasons and went straight for Tiki. In addition to the Treasure Island and Under the Volcano that we already posted, we came up with […]