Honestly, this was a lot more difficult than I expected it to be. I’ve never done a giveaway before and narrowing it down was a lot tougher than expected. Everything sounded totally delicious, but we had to narrow it down since we only have a couple bottles. Luckily for our waffling, we decided to send […]
Archive for the ‘Bitters & Tinctures’ Category
Bitters Contest Winners!
Posted in Bitters & Tinctures on November 15, 2011 | 2 Comments »
The End of Summer
Posted in Autumn Spice Bitters, Bourbon, Mezcal, Pear Vanilla Shrub, Rhuby on November 11, 2011 | Comments Off on The End of Summer
We were invited to a potluck this past week with a lot of people that do some really heavy-duty cooking, so I thought I’d leave the cooking to them and bring along a drink to share. I also got to take the half-finished bar bag for a test run. It needs a little work, but […]
Home Speakeasy Bitters Giveaway
Posted in Bitters & Tinctures on November 8, 2011 | 13 Comments »
This past week, we finished the final phase of our attempt at making bitters by taking what we ended up with at the end of last phase, letting it sit for a week and straining it through cheesecloth one final time before bottling and labeling them. I’ve got to say, I think they taste pretty […]
Untitled Whiskey Experiment #2
Posted in Aztec Chocolate Bitters, Bourbon, Condensed Milk, Mezcal, Pear Vanilla Shrub on November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments »
1.5 oz Buffalo Trace Bourbon 1 oz Mezcal 1 oz Pear Vanilla Shrub 1 tbsp condensed milk 2 dashes chocolate bitters Shake ingredients well with ice, strain and serve up. Garnish with a slice of pear. NOTES: I set out to try something in the bourbon family with the pear shrub. In my head, I […]
Bitters Experiments, Phase #2 & 3
Posted in Bitters & Tinctures on October 31, 2011 | Comments Off on Bitters Experiments, Phase #2 & 3
PHASE #2 After sitting for 2 weeks, it was time to separate the bitters into 2 jars each. Here’s the process we used: 1) Strain all liquid through a cheese cloth lined funnel into a new jar. Cover and set aside. (we’ll call this the booze half) 2) Take all the solids you just strained […]
Bitters Experiments, Phase #1a
Posted in Bitters & Tinctures on October 21, 2011 | Comments Off on Bitters Experiments, Phase #1a
So, the first stage of our bitters have been sitting for about 10 days now, shaken every day, and I have to say…they smell great. If I weren’t planning on actually using these, I might just take the tops off and use them like potpourri. Granted, I may like the smell of bourbon more than […]
Tree of Smoke
Posted in Mezcal, Orange Bitters, Ramazzotti, Rum on October 21, 2011 | Comments Off on Tree of Smoke
Tree of Smoke 1.5 oz Mezcal 0.5 oz Appleton Estate Reserve 0.5 oz Ramazzotti Amaro 1 oz Homemade Grenadine 2 dashes Orange bitters Shake ingredients well over cracked ice, strain into cocktail glass. Garnish with an apple slice. I squeezed the meat of the apple slightly to release a little of the juice into the […]
Untitled Gin Experiment #1
Posted in Calvados, Cherry Heering, Egg White, Gin, Molasses Bitters, Vermouth on October 21, 2011 | Comments Off on Untitled Gin Experiment #1
Untitled Gin Experiment #1 1 oz Plymouth Gin 0.5 oz Calvados 0.5 oz Cherry Heering 0.5 oz Sweet Vermouth 0.5 oz Simple Syrup 0.25 oz Lime Juice Molasses Bitters Egg White Shake all ingredients (except for bitters) well for 60 seconds without ice to emulsify the egg. Add ice and shake again. Strain into a […]
Bitters Experiments, Phase #1
Posted in Bitters & Tinctures on October 11, 2011 | 2 Comments »
The closer we get to November, the more we hear about Brad Thomas Parson’s Bitters, and the more antsy we get to try making our own. We are a bit lacking in the exotic roots and barks that a lot of the classic recipes call for (we will be hunting some down soon for additional […]